Kimberly Hahn — Knowing God’s Will, Transforming Your Mind

Kimberly Hahn — Knowing God’s Will, Transforming Your Mind


Kimberly Hahn, popular speaker and author of many books, gave the closing keynote talk entitled “Knowing God’s Will, Transforming Your Mind” at Franciscan University of Steubenville’s 2010 Defending the Faith Conference “Be Transformed by the Renewal of Your Mind.”  In her talk, Kimberly exhorted the audience to embrace the path to holiness and give themselves entirely over to Jesus Christ.  “What has Jesus withheld from you?  Nothing,” she said.  “And he asks the same in return.  We are to give all of ourselves to him…Don’t be conformed to this world.  We don’t even know the ways we are conformed to this world!  We don’t even know the ways in which we are influenced!…How do we even begin to change the way we think if we are immersed in our own culture?  That comes from the transformation of our minds.”


VIDEO: Watch a five-minute and a thirty-minute clip from this talk.