The Scriptural Vision of Man and Woman
Dr. Nina Heereman
Franciscan University
Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJ — “Finding True Happiness” (Full Episode)
January 2017
Franciscan University Presents
Finding True Happiness
Our idea of happiness defines our view of success, influences our choice of friends, and determines much of our future. For this reason, we should seek to understand happiness and unhappiness—and to discover the path to the fullest possible happiness in this life and in the life to come.
Father Robert Spitzer, SJ, author and founder of the Magis Institute, will discuss happiness and how it influences our views of freedom, love, virtue, and ethics, with host Michael Hernon, vice president of Advancement at Franciscan University, and panelists Dr. Scott Hahn and Dr. Regis Martin of Franciscan University’s Theology Department.
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