The Scriptural Vision of Man and Woman
Dr. Nina Heereman
Franciscan University
Father Donald Calloway — “Champions of the Rosary” (Full Episode)
May 2017
Franciscan University Presents
Champions of the Rosary
Where did the Rosary come from? What role has this powerful devotion played in Christian history? What can we learn from the great heroes of the Rosary today?
Father Donald Calloway, MIC, author of Champions of the Rosary: The History and Heroes of a Spiritual Weapon, will explore these questions and more with host Michael Hernon, vice president of Advancement at Franciscan University, and panelists Dr. Scott Hahn and Dr. Regis Martin of Franciscan University’s Theology Department, as they discuss this vital spiritual weapon.
Get the May Handout: “Champions of the Rosary”