The Scriptural Vision of Man and Woman
Dr. Nina Heereman
Franciscan University
Dr. David Klocek: A Return to Non-Alignment: Pope Francis’ Reiteration of a Tradition
In order to fulfill her mandate from Christ to “make disciples of all nations” (Mt. 28:19) the Church has traditionally followed a policy of non-partisanship, neutrality, and non-alignment. How is this traditional policy realized in the priorities of the pontificate of Pope Francis?
Dr. David Klocek, Director of Assessment and Evaluation at the University of Virginia at Wise, examines the positive and negative effects of Vatican adherence to and divergence from a policy of non-alignment and neutrality during the last two hundred years in his talk entitled “A Return to Non-Alignment: Pope Francis’ Reiteration of a Tradition.” Dr Klocek’s talk was part of the Catholic Church in World Affairs Conference at Franciscan University of Steubenville.
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